Monday, March 7, 2011

Silver Lotto Testimonials

What do I like about your website Ken?.......Everything! But best ---the winning numbers ! I got $679 on Wednesday in the draw. This is a fantastic system you've got. I can't believe my luck. Rock on!!!
Julie Bremer, USA

Dear Ken this is Yana. You have a special place in my heart because it was this week end that I won $440 in my lotto game with your wonderful Silver Lotto System of playing. I am forever gratefull.

Yana, Spain

Hiya. I'm reading all these stories and thinking, what crap. I was going to get my money back when I won $1230 just now. Man, was I beat up! So I'm sorry I didn't believe you Ken, you've got my support friend. Anyone can write to me who doesn't believe and I'll tell them.
Stephen Webb, New York

Hey Ken - if you had an 11 for this Silver Lotto System you would get it from me. I WON $880 YESTERDAY. Wow!!!!! I never thought it would work but it has - even though its only a small amount. Thanks a million! (hope I can say that soon)
Jerome K. Chicago, USA

Ken, it took me 2 plays and I won $336 from after spending only $30. I have never won a lotto in my life, and heavens knows I've played my share. I take my hat off to you. Needless to say your site is a winner with me!!
Dave Kell. UK

Zoe here again Ken --- I followed the manual and put in my tickets last Saturday and I won 3 draws. I'm so happy with your Silver Lotto System, and recommended it to my affilites and got another 4 sales. You have a real winner here Ken, thanks so much.
Zoe Miller.

Hello Ken, Add me to your winners list!! I won $236 in my second game, and this is after getting nothing for years playing lotto my way. I'm truly amazed and I can't wait until the Big one you keep talking about comes this way. You'r Silver Lotto System beats them all.
Webster M. USA

Hi Ken, I see you've got some more winners since I first looked in at your web site a couple of weeks ago. This is to tell you that I also am a winner, but not as much. I've won $122 so far and only spent $26. That's pretty good to me! Thanks friend!
Dan O. Florida

Hi Ken, I've done a lot of lottery systems over the years, and yours looked good enough to buy. But I have to say this is the first time I have won anything more than a few dollars back. In the last play I won over $700. Your name is gold, not silver!!!!!
Your friend Lee R.

Ken, when I saw all the messages from people winning, I had to find out what your manual was about. So I bought it and won $93 on my first game using your Silver Lotto System. I'm impressed, even though it isnt much. But I want to thank you anyhow.
Meg from sunny CA.

Ken, ...on Saturday I won $210. That's more than I paid, so I'm satisfied. Now your Silver Lotto System is much clearer to me and I can see the potential. So, here's some good words coming your way - thanks!
Garth M. Sydney

If you desire to purchase your own personal copy of "The Silver Lotto System", just send an email to: or simply click here.

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